Dear valued customers,

Dear valued customers,
Butta Dream is on a mission to help everyday people develop a healthier connection to their mind, body, and spirit.
There are many rivers one can take to arrive at the sea that is wellness, and the wellness gifts offered by Butta Dream are just a few tools you can utilize on your journey to healing.
In addition to offering classes in traditional yoga, mindful movements, breathwork, and meditation, Butta Dream will now be sharing their botanical candles with you, which are perfect for meditations and intention setting.
I am happy to be expanding, and it is my hope that by sharing my gifts with others I can continue to add a little bit more light into this world: one breath at a time, one stretch at a time, one candle at a time...until one becomes One.
Much Love,

Meet the Creator

Crystal Moon
My yoga journey began at home, in the sacred space that is my living room. Although I certainly value the connection that is felt when I practice yoga within my community, I think that starting my yoga journey at home, in a space that felt comfortable to me, helped me to create a deeply personal connection to my practice, which ultimately helped me to develop a deeply personal connection with myself.
It is my hope that by interacting with me and my art, my clients will see that yoga is a tool that helps to reveal our true nature, and yoga is a tool that helps us in all aspects of our life. Yes, there will still be undeniable struggle and suffering and pain in life, but through an openness to Yoga—to union—the blows won’t hit quite the same.
Yoga off the Mat
During this process of yoga-ing, I have continuously asked the Universe to help me to share my gifts and my light with others. I never thought I'd literally be sharing the gift of light through candles, yet here I am. Candle making has allowed me to deepen my relationship with nature, and I feel that I can literally pour positive, healing vibrations into a container and gift it to someone else. Isn't that beautiful?! I'm thankful to be able to share my creative expressions, and through these expressions I hope that people can understand that yoga extends far beyond the dimensions of a yoga mat.
I’m still on the journey. I don’t have all of the answers. I am still a student and will forever be.
But one thing I know for sure: you have the Power to create: life is Butta Dream.
-Thank you for taking the time to read a little about me. Let’s flow.
Crystal Moon
I have been practicing meditation for 10 years and consistently practicing yoga for 5. To receive my yoga certification, I trained under Swami Jaya Devi of Kashi Atlanta's Urban Ashram . The 200 Hour classical yoga instructor training provided to me through this community has helped me to develop a teaching style that is strongly rooted in the foundational values and beliefs of yoga. Thank you Kashi for helping me to see Love.
I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Mercer University and a master’s degree in education from Georgia College and State University. I have worked with individuals dealing with substance abuse and mental health challenges for 5 years, and I have over 3 years of experience teaching trauma sensitive students in a classroom setting.
-I'm excited for what's to come.